Friday, December 28, 2007

Hat og kjærlighets filmprisutdeling del 4

[voiceovermannen]: Nå er det på tide å ønske velkommen til utdeler for årets politiske film, Gerd Liv Valla!
[publikum]: Mjau mjau
[Gerd Liv Valla]: Nei jeg er ingen pusekatt, jeg er en stålneve!
[publikum]: Au AU!
[voiceovermannen]: Og de nominerte er?
[Gerd Liv Valla]: Ken Loachs Vinden som ryster kornet, O ANO EM QUE MEUS PAIS SAÍRAM DE FÉRIAS, Roy Andersons Du levande, Cristian Mungius 4 måneder, 3 uker, 2 dager og Persepolis
[voiceovermannen]: Er det noen av dem som fortjenner å vinne, Gerd Liv?
[Gerd Liv Valla]: Det veit jeg ikke, men vinneren er Ken Loachs Vinden som ryster kornet
[publikum]:  In nineteen hundred and sixteen
The forces of the crown,
For to take Orange, White, and Green
Bombarded Dublin Town
But in '21, Britannia's sons
Were forced earn their pay, when
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!
[voiceovermann]: nei nå må vi la Ken snakke!
[Ken Loach og publikum]:They burned their way through Munster,
Then laid Leinster on the rack.
Through Connaught, and through Ulster
Marched the men in brown and black.
They shot down wives and children
In their own heroic way, but
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!

They hanged young Kevin Barry high
Just a lad of eighteen years
Cork City's flames lit up in the sky
But our brave lads new no fear
The Cork brigade with hand-grenades
In ambush wait and lay, and
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!

The tans were got, taken out and shot
By a brave and valiant few
Sean Treacy, Dinny Lacey,
And Tom Barry's gallant crew
Though we're not free yet,
We won't forget,
Until our dying day, how
The black and tans, like lightening ran
From the Rifles of the IRA!

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